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Busch Light Fishing Rodeo 2025

This year’s Busch Light Fishing Rodeo will take place June 20-23, 2025. The weigh-in is at Flounders on Pensacola Beach on Saturday from 2p-7p and Sunday from noon-6p.

Cash awards and prizes await the angler who weighs in the top three fish in 21 different species. In addition to the rodeo, there is the MarineMax Pensacola King Mackerel Challenge and In-Shore Challenge with separate buy-in and cash and prizes awarded to the boat that brings in the biggest king mackerel and in-shore slam. There is also the Outcast Tackle and Marine Youth Rodeo and the Academy Sports and Outdoors Junior Rodeo.

The 2025 InShore Challenge boundaries will include fishing between the west boundary, Highway 59 bridge in Gulf Shores Alabama, to the east boundary, the Mid-Bay Bridge in Destin Florida. All anglers are subject to a polygraph to verify the catch in the boundary.

Event Information

Friday, June 20

5pm – 8pm

Flounders Pensacola Beach

Online registration will end at 8:00pm, Friday, June 20.

Free Fish Fry (with paid Rodeo Entry)

Door Prizes

Begins: Saturday, June 21- 12:01 a.m.

Ends: Sunday, June 22 6:00 p.m.

No fishing prior to or after these times.

Fishing may be done by land, dock or boat for the general rodeo.

General Rodeo  – $30 ($50 with an official tournament shirt purchase)

General Rodeo on June 20 – $40 ($60 with an official tournament shirt purchase)

Academy Sports Junior Rodeo – Ages 11-15 – $10 (if a junior wants to fish in the general rodeo, a $30 rodeo ticket must be purchased)

Outcast Tackle & Marine Youth Rodeo – Ages 10 and under – FREE (if a youth angler wants to fish in the general rodeo, a $30 rodeo ticket must be purchased) Youth Anglers can register for FREE with the registration of a participating General Rodeo Entry.  Up to 4 youth anglers per registered General Rodeo Entry.

MarineMax Pensacola King Mackerel Challenge – $350 per boat (all persons on the boat must purchase a rodeo ticket including youth & junior anglers)

In-Shore Challenge – $300 per boat (all persons on the boat must purchase a rodeo ticket, including youth & junior anglers)

Flounders, Pensacola Beach (800 Quitewater Beach Road)

Saturday, June 21, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Sunday, June 22, noon to 6 p.m. – all boats must be at the Flounders dock by 6 pm

A Torry Meter will be used on all questionable fish.

Only the Rodeo and Junior/Youth Rodeo fish may be brought to the scales by land or boat. There will be a stop-drop-park method for all anglers coming via land to Flounders. We will have parking spots reserved. Vehicles are not allowed to remain parked. These parking spots are for you to drop off your angler(s) and fish and then you need to park your own vehicle in the main parking lots. All Santa Rosa Island Authority parking rules must be followed.

Any fish being entered in the King or InShore Challenges must be brought to the scales by the registered boat (No Challenge fish are allowed to arrive by land). Angler must be present to weigh in fish.

Once a fish is weighed by the tournament weightmaster and signed by angler it verifies as its final official weight. There will be no re-weighing of any
tournament fish after official weight permitted.

Monday, June 23, 2025 @ Flounder’s Chowder House

Under event tent, Food & Drink service is available at the ceremony.

Winners Cocktail Party: 5:30 – 6:30pm
Join us for food and drink specials, share your fish stories and celebrate with your fellow anglers before the awards. Non-Alcoholic cocktails will be available for our Jr. Anglers.Awards Ceremony: 6:30pm

Each winner has thirty days to collect their prize and after this time prizes may be donated. Additional points: Ticket outlets are not agents or representatives of the tournament and, therefore, are not authorized to interpret or amend rules etc. Pensacola Sports has final say in any tournament rules and their interpretation.

Our Sponsors

Pensacola Sports is grateful for the support of its generous partners, sponsors and donors. Thank you for your commitment to growing Pensacola as a healthy place to live, work and play.

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